What a gold digger

A 36-year old Swedish countess is divorcing her husband. Their prenuptial agreement states that she would receive $43 million if they divorced. She is claiming that is not enough, because at her current spending rate of $53,800 per week, that money would not last her for the rest of her life.

How do you spend $53,800 per week? Well,  this article states:

Her weekly expenses also include $700 for limousine service, $4,500 for clothes, $1,000 for hair and skin treatments, $1,500 for restaurants and entertainment, and $8,000 for travel.

Amazing. One would think that a former investment banker would be smarter than that. Or maybe she used to work for AIG or Bank of America???

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An idiotic way to try to divorce your spouse

An Indian man seeking a divorce brought another woman to impersonate his wife at court. The divorce was granted. Then his real wife found out when she was ordered to leave their home. She has appealed to a higher court and the divorce was suspended.

I’m trying to figure out how this man thought that he could get away with this. If he had bothered to fire up his lone brain cell, he would have realized that when his wife was ordered to leave the house, she would demand to know why she had to leave.